In all emergencies and life threatening situations, phone 000.
Mobile phone users are advised to dial 112.
For non-life threatening situations contact Police Link (131 444).
Mobile phone users are advised to dial 112.
For non-life threatening situations contact Police Link (131 444).
community defibrillator (AED)
In case of cardiac arrest, the Community Automated External Defibrillator (AED) is located on the outside wall of the Mount Glorious Cafe 1850 Mount Glorious Rd (70 metres from the Community Hall). (details of location). For all emergencies phone 000, or 112 from mobiles.
For loss of power and downed lines contact 13 62 62
In the event of power being out for some considerable time, the emergency generator at the Community Hall will be started.
Residents will be able to make use of the hall fridge, cold room and freezer to preserve perishables, and access power to charge mobile phones.
Check for updates on the Mt Glorious Community Facebook page, or phone the Hall manager on 0499 006 371.
In the event of power being out for some considerable time, the emergency generator at the Community Hall will be started.
Residents will be able to make use of the hall fridge, cold room and freezer to preserve perishables, and access power to charge mobile phones.
Check for updates on the Mt Glorious Community Facebook page, or phone the Hall manager on 0499 006 371.
For assistance from severe storms contact State Emergency Service on 132 500
HOON line
Incidents that may constitute a hooning and reckless driving offence (Type 1 or 2) can be reported
via 13HOON (13 4666).
If possible you should tell the operator:
If you have an email address you can also report a hooning incident online.
via 13HOON (13 4666).
If possible you should tell the operator:
- what the vehicle is and looks like
- what hooning activity the vehicle was doing
- the registration plates
- the date, time and where the vehicle was.
If you have an email address you can also report a hooning incident online.
The Mount Glorious and Mount Nebo communities are served by a rural fire brigade: Mount Nebo Rural Fire Brigade. The brigade has three yellow fire trucks that are kept in sheds at Mt Nebo and at Mt Glorious (on Lindsay Road). The brigade can assist residents with planned fires or respond to emergencies. For emergencies call 000 and Firecom will call out firefighters.
For inquiries about joining the brigade, email: [email protected]
For information about lighting fires outside, see: https://www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au/Using_Fire_Outdoors/Pages/Obtaining-a-Permit-to-Light-Fire.aspx
The Fire Warden for Mount Glorious, Bob Snowdon, is responsible for issuing permits, and can be contacted on 3289 0150.
The Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious Early Warning System (EWS) is designed to provide timely advice to local residents about the threat of bushfire in the area. The system comprises bushfire alert sirens, electronic roadside signs and information systems including a hotline number.
The EWS bushfire alert sirens are located on Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious (Harland Rd, Community Hall and Forestry barracks). The sirens are jointly operated by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and MBRC. The sirens are currently tested at 7:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
LED roadside signs are located at Mt Nebo Rd, the Gap and at Mt Glorious Road, Highvale. The signs are used to display pre-programmed messages relating to bushfire alerts, siren testing and road closures.
Residents of Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious can subscribe to MoretonAlert to receive free SMS and voice notification alerts about fire weather warnings and flash flooding events in the area via text and voice message or email. In addition, Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious residents who register with MoretonAlert will also receive any important bushfire messages from QFES. Subscribe via the MoretonAlert website or by phoning MBRC on 3205 0555.
The 1800 MT NEBO (1800 686 326) Information Service is a recorded message system which provides information and advice about the bushfire alert sirens, The service is available 24/7 but will only be updated when the bushfire siren is activated.
More information on fire safety can be found on the MEPA (Mountain Environmental Protection Association website.
For inquiries about joining the brigade, email: [email protected]
For information about lighting fires outside, see: https://www.ruralfire.qld.gov.au/Using_Fire_Outdoors/Pages/Obtaining-a-Permit-to-Light-Fire.aspx
The Fire Warden for Mount Glorious, Bob Snowdon, is responsible for issuing permits, and can be contacted on 3289 0150.
The Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious Early Warning System (EWS) is designed to provide timely advice to local residents about the threat of bushfire in the area. The system comprises bushfire alert sirens, electronic roadside signs and information systems including a hotline number.
The EWS bushfire alert sirens are located on Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious (Harland Rd, Community Hall and Forestry barracks). The sirens are jointly operated by the Queensland Fire and Emergency Service, Queensland Police Service, Queensland Parks and Wildlife Service and MBRC. The sirens are currently tested at 7:00pm on the first Wednesday of the month.
LED roadside signs are located at Mt Nebo Rd, the Gap and at Mt Glorious Road, Highvale. The signs are used to display pre-programmed messages relating to bushfire alerts, siren testing and road closures.
Residents of Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious can subscribe to MoretonAlert to receive free SMS and voice notification alerts about fire weather warnings and flash flooding events in the area via text and voice message or email. In addition, Mt Nebo and Mt Glorious residents who register with MoretonAlert will also receive any important bushfire messages from QFES. Subscribe via the MoretonAlert website or by phoning MBRC on 3205 0555.
The 1800 MT NEBO (1800 686 326) Information Service is a recorded message system which provides information and advice about the bushfire alert sirens, The service is available 24/7 but will only be updated when the bushfire siren is activated.
More information on fire safety can be found on the MEPA (Mountain Environmental Protection Association website.
Fire wardens:
Natural disasters
The Mount Glorious Community Hall has been selected as a local evacuation centre by MBRC. This means it has arrangements to provide people with food and shelter if some sort of disaster occurs that requires people to leave their homes. A generator has been installed so that power is available in extended blackouts, and a cold room and fridges can help community members to save their food.
A group of local volunteers has been formed into the Mount Glorious Disaster Management Team, who are ready to set up and run the hall as an evacuation centre. The team are organised by MBRC’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Coordinator, Vicki Anderson, and sit under a statewide system of disaster organisation.
For more information the local contact person is Bruce Teakle: [email protected] .
A group of local volunteers has been formed into the Mount Glorious Disaster Management Team, who are ready to set up and run the hall as an evacuation centre. The team are organised by MBRC’s Disaster Resilience and Recovery Coordinator, Vicki Anderson, and sit under a statewide system of disaster organisation.
For more information the local contact person is Bruce Teakle: [email protected] .
tIPS & TRICKS - plan for resilience before disaster strikes
This document provides useful information for mountain residents to become as self sufficient and resilient as possible when adverse conditions arrive. If you have any suggested edits please contact the Community Association.